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How making money online

How making money online 

1. Do what you love / passion

 The best way to make money online is to do something that you enjoy doing. I'm not saying make crazy amounts of money but if you have done something you've enjoyed doing then it will give you satisfaction knowing you are helping others. If you can combine your hobby with earning extra income than even better!

 2. Find a product or service you offer that people need (niche)

 It's great having a large number of subscribers but does that matter? No. Unless you're trying to sell something. You want to find a niche and target this market. For example, I am going to write about CBD oil and how its benefits can help those suffering from pain.

 3. Build your audience

 This is where you set yourself apart from other online entrepreneurs. How can you get more people to follow you? Have engaging content, ask questions, invite people to subscribe, and let them know about your blog through social media. And don't forget to share your posts. Put links in your email signature and have your social media profile linked.

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